Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 7th

I've dropped the ball in terms of updating this blog, but in light of moving to two services, I thought it would be convenient to keep track of what the kids are up to! 

Our first service Sunday Schools are continuing to work through the Gospel Light curriculum (2's and 3's and 4/5/K), and the Orange curriculum (Elementary). This month's theme for the elementary is Friendship.

Friendship is defined as "spending time with someone you trust and enjoy". Our verse for the month is Proverbs 17:17, "A friend loves at all times. He is there to help when trouble comes". 

The bottom line for week one is: Friends accept one another, based on the stories and examples in Romans 14:13, 15:7, and Acts 9. 

Everyone loves worship with the Stigers!

Roman and Matteo learning what it means to trust one another and work together!

The second service Children's Church (ages 4-5th grade), is working through the Fruit of the Spirit, using a combination of a few curriculums. On week one, we talked about Love!

We learned that the Fruit of the Spirit are character traits within ourselves that God helps us grow. They aren't empty acts (like a plastic piece of fruit), or angry traits (like a rotten piece of fruit).

The verse we are working from is Galatians 5:22-23, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things, there is no law".

We also learned a catchy song to help us remember! Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1t8MVZRNb4

Amy explaining the Fruit of the Spirit

Caleb working on his apple prints!

Sarah showing love by helping others

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