When things get hard, don't forget what you know!
I was out of town this week so I don't have picture, but I'll fill you in on what I know! This week's story was about Peter's restoration, from Matthew 14:66-72 and Luke 22:54-62. Jesus and the disciples were at the Last Supper, where Jesus explained communion, and called the disciples out for the fact that they would turn their backs on Jesus in His time of need. Peter was certain he would never reject Jesus, but Jesus told him that before the morning, Peter would deny three times that he knew Jesus. Jesus and the disciples went to Gethsemane where the soldiers came to arrest Jesus. Peter attempted to fight the soldiers and got scolded by Jesus for not trusting His Father. As Peter was waiting to hear what would happen to Jesus, a man approached him and asked if he knew Jesus, but Peter said no. He did this three times, just as Jesus had said. Peter got scared of what could happen to him if he admitted he knew Jesus, and him and the other disciples turned from Jesus because they did not trust in God. We can only do hard things with help from God! After Jesus rose from the dead, He sought out Peter and reminded him of the power that we can have if we are plugged in to God's power.
During snack time today the kids made empty tomb snacks to remember the miracle of Jesus' resurrection. They used a bagel as the tomb, and crackers to represent the boulder that was rolled away to reveal that it was empty!
For craft, the students decorated butterfly magnets. Caterpillars go through a tough but incredible transformation to become butterflies, and sometimes that's what it feels like to be transformed by God! Even when things get hard, we need to remember that God is in control, and that we can trust in Him. If we remember what we know, hard things become easier to get through!
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